You know the saying that "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence"? Admittedly, there is something about it. We glorify the foreign, but don't know our own ... But what to glorify, when the paint is peeling from the fence, our balustrades have lost all their color depth, and the rims in the car?
Well, let's leave it without comment . Not everyone has to pay attention to curbs. 😉
So why does your neighbor's fence look stunning, regardless of the weather conditions or the season? After all, you've never seen him painting spans on Saturday noon. And the rims on the car? Always shiny and millimeter-free scratches. Probably your neighbor knows what powder coating is and has probably used this service more than once.
Powder coating is the most effective method of painting metal surfaces. Among other ways, it is distinguished primarily by the quality of workmanship, durability and economy. It has a wide range of applications, and the elements that have been subjected to the powder coating method accompany us in our daily activities.
Powder coating consists in covering metal surfaces with powder paint. The main advantage is the short production time, because it only consists of 3 stages: material preparation, paint application and curing in the oven.

Powder coating is suitable for steel , galvanized steel , aluminum materials and stainless steel elements.
Now think for a moment, what in your home, car or yard might need a little touch-up?
To make this task easier for you, we have prepared a small cheat sheet:

Are you still not sure if your product is suitable for painting?
Our specialists will be happy to advise you and dispel any doubts.
As you can see, small and large-size surfaces are suitable for processing. Our professional powder coating plant in Gdynia uses the highest-class technological line, which allows us to paint parts up to 7.5 meters .
Powder coating is an ideal method if you want great quality , in no time . The whole process takes up to a few hours (depending on the quantity and size of the elements). The powder coating method guarantees resistance to external factors and mechanical damage and is anti-corrosion .
Producenci farb proszkowych zadbali również o bogatą paletę kolorów RAL. Efekt końcowy możemy również wzbogacić o dowolny rodzaj powierzchni, np. gładką, strukturalną, z połyskiem lub bez. Decydując się na malowanie proszkowe możemy mieć pewność,
że malowana powierzchnia zachowa swój pierwotny odcień i strukturę. Nie musimy martwić się o pęknięcia, zacieki, pęcherzyki powietrza, wyblakły kolor czy brak połysku.
Powder coating price - is there anything to worry about in this matter?
By choosing powder paints you save:
- your precious time : thanks to the application of one (or two) layer of paint, the duration of the entire process is shortened,
- money : thanks to the high durability of the paints, the perfect effect lasts for many years - without the need for corrections and re-varnishing,
- nerves , because there will be no stains, air pockets or unevenness on the painted object.
Powder coating vs the environment
Kryzysy, jakich doświadcza nasza planeta dotykają każdego z nas. W związku z tym, na co dzień staramy się dbać o Ziemię poprzez segregację śmieci, oszczędzanie wody i prądu, czy wybierając rower zamiast samochodu.
Otóż tak! Wybierając malowanie proszkowe nie wpływamy negatywnie na środowisko naturalne. Cały proces jest całkowicie bezpieczny
i ekologiczny. Nie używamy szkodliwych rozpuszczalników, a podczas etapu utwardzania, dzięki specjalnym systemom filtracyjnym, nie zostają uwolnione żadne niebezpieczne substancje. Ponadto pozostałości proszku, które nie przyczepiły się do lakierowanego elementu, mogą zostać wykorzystane podczas kolejnego malowania.
Now you know what powder coating is and why it is a collection of many advantages. The theory is behind us, so it's time to put it into practice. Enrich your surroundings and show your neighbor who's in charge now.