The operator is the administrator of your personal data in relation to the data provided voluntarily on the website.
Serwis wykorzystuje dane osobowe w następujących celach:
Prowadzenie newslettera
Obsługa zapytań przez formularz
Realizacja zamówionych usług
Prezentacja oferty lub informacji
Serwis realizuje funkcje pozyskiwania informacji o użytkownikach i ich zachowaniu w następujący sposób:
Poprzez dobrowolnie wprowadzone w formularzach dane, które zostają wprowadzone do systemów Operatora.
Poprzez zapisywanie w urządzeniach końcowych plików cookie (tzw. „ciasteczka”).
2. Selected data protection methods used by the Operator
The places of logging in and entering personal data are protected in the transmission layer (SSL certificate). As a result, personal data and login data entered on the website are encrypted on the user's computer and can only be read on the target server.
User passwords are stored in a hashed form. The hash function works in one direction - it is not possible to reverse its operation, which is now a modern standard in the field of storing user passwords.
The operator periodically changes his administrative passwords.
In order to protect data, the Operator regularly makes backup copies.
An important element of data protection is regular updating of all software used by the Operator to process personal data, which in particular means regular updates of programming components.
3. Hosting
The website is hosted (technically maintained) on the operator's servers:
4. Your rights and additional information on the use of data
W niektórych sytuacjach Administrator ma prawo przekazywać Twoje dane osobowe innym odbiorcom, jeśli będzie to niezbędne do wykonania zawartej z Tobą umowy lub do zrealizowania obowiązków ciążących na Administratorze. Dotyczy to takich grup odbiorców:
firma hostingowa na zasadzie powierzenia
operatorzy pocztowi
kancelarie prawne i windykatorzy
operatorzy płatności
organy publiczne
operatorzy rozwiązania typu chat online
upoważnieni pracownicy i współpracownicy, którzy korzystają z danych w celu realizacji celu działania strony
firmy, świadczące usługi marketingu na rzecz Administratora
Your personal data processed by the Administrator for no longer than it is necessary to perform the related activities specified in separate regulations (e.g. on accounting). With regard to marketing data, the data will not be processed for more than 3 years.
Przysługuje Ci prawo żądania od Administratora:
dostępu do danych osobowych Ciebie dotyczących,
ich sprostowania,
ograniczenia przetwarzania,
oraz przenoszenia danych.
You have the right to object to the processing indicated in point 3.3 c) to the processing of personal data in order to perform the legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator, including profiling, while the right to object may not be exercised if there are valid legally justified grounds for processing of your interests, rights and freedoms, in particular establishing, investigating or defending claims.
The Administrator's actions may be appealed against to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warszawa.
Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary to operate the Website.
In relation to you, actions may be taken consisting in automated decision making, including profiling in order to provide services under the concluded contract and for the purpose of conducting direct marketing by the Administrator.
Personal data is not transferred from third countries within the meaning of the provisions on the protection of personal data. This means that we do not send them outside the European Union.
5. Information in the forms
The website collects information provided voluntarily by the user, including personal data, if provided.
The website may save information about connection parameters (time stamp, IP address).
The website, in some cases, may save information facilitating the linking of data in the form with the e-mail address of the user filling in the form. In this case, the user's e-mail address appears inside the url of the page containing the form.
The data provided in the form is processed for the purpose resulting from the function of a specific form, eg in order to process the service request or commercial contact, registration of services, etc. Each time the context and description of the form clearly informs what it is used for.
6. Administrator logs
Information on the behavior of users on the website may be subject to logging. These data are used to administer the website.
7. Relevant marketing techniques
The operator uses statistical analysis of website traffic through Google Analytics (Google Inc. based in the USA). The operator does not provide the operator of this service with personal data, but only anonymised information. The service is based on the use of cookies on the user's end device. In terms of information about user preferences collected by the Google advertising network, the user can view and edit information derived from cookies using the tool:
The operator uses remarketing techniques that allow for matching advertising messages to the user's behavior on the website, which may give the illusion that the user's personal data is used to track him, but in practice no personal data is transferred from the Operator to advertising operators. The technological condition for such activities is that cookies are enabled.
The operator uses the Facebook pixel. This technology means that Facebook (Facebook Inc. based in the USA) knows that a given person registered in it uses the Website. In this case, it is based on data for which it is the administrator itself, the Operator does not provide any additional personal data to Facebook. The service is based on the use of cookies on the user's end device.
The operator uses a solution that studies user behavior by creating heat maps and recording behavior on the website. This information is anonymized before it is sent to the service operator so that it does not know what natural person it relates to. In particular, passwords and other personal data are not recorded.
The operator uses a solution that automates the operation of the Website in relation to users, e.g. that can send an e-mail to the user after visiting a specific subpage, provided that he has consented to receive commercial correspondence from the Operator.
8. Information about cookies
The website uses cookies.
Cookie files (so-called "cookies") are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored on the Website User's end device and are intended for using the Website's pages. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, the storage time on the end device and a unique number.
The entity placing cookies on the Website User's end device and accessing them is the Website operator.
Pliki cookies wykorzystywane są w następujących celach:
utrzymanie sesji użytkownika Serwisu (po zalogowaniu), dzięki której użytkownik nie musi na każdej podstronie Serwisu ponownie wpisywać loginu i hasła;
realizacji celów określonych powyżej w części „Istotne techniki marketingowe”;
The Website uses two basic types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary files that are stored on the User's end device until logging out, leaving the website or turning off the software (web browser). Persistent cookies are stored on the User's end device for the time specified in the cookie file parameters or until they are deleted by the User.
Software for browsing websites (web browser) usually allows cookies to be stored on the User's end device by default. Website Users can change the settings in this regard. The web browser allows you to delete cookies. It is also possible to automatically block cookies.Detailed information on this subject can be found in the help or documentation of the web browser.
Restrictions on the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on the Website pages.
Cookies placed on the Website User's end device may also be used by entities cooperating with the Website operator, in particular the following companies: Google (Google Inc. based in the USA), Facebook (Facebook Inc. based in the USA), Twitter (Twitter Inc. based in the USA).
9. Managing cookies - how to express and withdraw consent in practice?
If the user does not want to receive cookies, he may change the browser settings. We reserve that disabling cookies necessary for authentication processes, security, maintaining user preferences may make it difficult, and in extreme cases may prevent the use of websites.
W celu zarządzania ustawienia cookies wybierz z listy poniżej przeglądarkę internetową, której używasz i postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami: